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The Bitcoin L2 that Actually Works

Move seamlessly between native BTC and fast, wrapped BTC on one platform.

chrome extension

Step 1

Get a wallet.

Choose between the Bitcoin Libre Mobile or Chrome Extension.
It works with Native Bitcoin and super-fast wrapped Bitcoin.

Step 2

Import Seed Phrase

Import your seed phrase into Bitcoin Libre from any Bitcoin wallet with SegWit or Taproot.

import seed phrase
trade runes on the dex

Step 3

Bridge quickly.

Easily move your Bitcoin (sats) to and from Libre chain using Lightning (BTC only) or the Libre Crosslink bridge (BTC, Runes, and Ordinals).

Step 4

Try the DEX.

Try trading BTC / USDT on the LibreDEX.
Instant on-chain settlement. 100% smart contract order matching.

import seed phrase